What is GRASP?

GRASP network is a research and communication display to bring forth new forms of generation of meaning and knowledge in the ever-changing contemporary context through artful thinking and artistic expression.

GRASP is a network project whose aim is to explore and to make evident how contemporary immaterial productions such as complex software, mathematics, big data, algorithmic concepts, financial artefacts, but also artefacts of symbolic value, as is the case of art, and knowledge in a broader sense and behavioural abilities such as competences and soft skills can be visualized, how they are generated and what, in consequence, they induce and produce.

How will this new world of immaterial production change our mindsets, our working scenarios, future cultural development and the production of knowledge in general? The underlying assumption is that the current state of affairs will also lead to new requirements and options in the development of abilities and competences that are different from those needed today, as acquired through traditional education and permanent learning.

The importance of the role of art in this context is not only its ability to express both material and immaterial ideas, values, and concepts in a non-stereotypical, literal, or illustrative way, but most importantly that certain artistic practices and expressions are designed to better grasp the contemporary condition and thus allow to “inhale” and intuitively understand the future. The objective of the GRASP network is to open a conversation on, and eventually prepare us for what is expected to come.

Who are we?

The project was initiated in 2017 by a group of core activists from Finland, USA, Argentina and Germany and is being further developed by a committee of knowledgeable and experienced personalities from different tier groups.

Initiators' group:

John Favaro, Gabriela Galati, Guenter Koch, Anja  Puntari.

Current Board:

President Guenter Koch

Board members Anja Puntari, John Favaro, and Paula Kuusipalo-Määttä

